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2009 Writing Goals

January 1, 2009

So now that we’ve rolled over into the new year, it’s time to focus on my writing goals for 2009.


Do something to further my writing every day.  (this could mean write, edit, critique, or submit. I’m not going to beat myself up for not writing something new every day as long as I have some focus on my creativity or writing goal.)


Create a new collage poem a week. The goal towards the end of the year is to produce an anthology of collage poems. Last time I set a collage poetry goal, I set the bar way too high with the promise of a collage poem every day, and I burned out within a month. A collage poem a week is a reachable goal. Deadline: Sunday evening each week.



Thanks to Karina for nominating this challenge which I have refined to one short story per month, based on one of the following titles generated by my writing program. Deadline: end of month.

Siobhan’s Loathing in the Presence of Dylan.

The Bitterness of Siobhan

The Curse of Kirsty

Luke Radcliffe loves Nettie

The Law According to Dylan

Genevieve’s Exit

And some random bizarre ones:

Nobody Needs a Clock

Revenge of the Shiny Hearing Aids

The Casino of Ecstasy

The Strip Club of Pity

The Indian Restaurant of Sorrow

Night of the Manic Videos

Misery after Hair-pieces

The Cinema of Bitterness


Well, I’ll have to try and top the 2008 word count now that I know what I’m capable of:

Write more than 200,078 words in 2009.





Now for some specific project goals:

1 Finish writing the first draft of Reality Check

2. Complete edit of Making the Cut.  Submit until it finds a home.

3. Complete edit of Diary of the Future. Submit until it finds a home.

4.  Complete edit of Beyond Happily Ever After. Submit until it finds a home.

5. Write 50ks in 30 days in June with my RWA pals.

6. Write 50ks during Nanowrimo in November.

Along with all this, I want to continue building my critique relationships, the solidarity with my online writing buddies, and my real life writing buddies, enter appropriate competitions, attend conferences and festivals, read widely,  and WRITE  EDIT SUBMIT.



Maybe that will be my new mantra.

9 Comments leave one →
  1. January 1, 2009 1:25 pm

    Great goal list Diane. WOOHOO on reaching 200K for 2008 and I know you’ll out write that this year.

    Your mantra is spot on WRITE EDIT SUBMIT

    Happy New Year to you and Robbie.


    • dianecurran permalink*
      January 1, 2009 1:56 pm

      Hi Sandie,

      I’m not sure about the outwriting that figure, I have to spend a lot of time editing this year. So I’ll have to keep a tally of rewrites as well.

      Maybe I need to put ‘WRITE EDIT SUBMIT’ on some Cafepress products.

  2. January 1, 2009 1:35 pm

    I like your collage poem. I’m going to make it my desktop wallpaper, if that’s ok. Funny, I was going through some of my files and found one with a list of titles I’d wanted to write stories for – shorts, in fact. I didn’t use a groovy title generator tool and my titles are nowhere near as creative as the ones you’ve listed. Ahhh, such food for the soul. I’m curious to see how the stories turn out :-).

    • dianecurran permalink*
      January 1, 2009 1:42 pm

      Sussan, you’re welcome to use the collage poem as wallpaper. I have it in my cafepress shop Chickollage on several products, I’ve actually got a tote bag with it on. And I created it in the cover of my 2006 diary, then had to cut it up and put it on another background when I wanted to reproduce. I have more of my collage poems at My Chickollage blog – I need to get a page up on this blog of collages.

  3. January 1, 2009 3:29 pm

    Great goals Diane! Great mantra and great collage. Guess what, that just makes you great! 🙂

  4. Monique Wood permalink
    January 1, 2009 11:15 pm


    My new fave title is ‘The Strip Club of Pity’! lol.

    You’ve got to create ‘Write Edit Submit’ products. Great idea.

    🙂 Mon

  5. Karina permalink
    January 4, 2009 7:53 pm

    What a great set of goals Diane – and I believe all quite realistic. Glad I could come up with one of them for you. And I really liked the new collage. Quite a theatrical feel to it so I forwarded it to a certain star of a certain musical who will be achieving goals in a whole new country this year. Suggested he might like it on one of your coffee cups!!

  6. January 12, 2009 12:09 am

    Awesome goals. I’ll be there to cheer you on every step of the way. Or push you, if need may be.

    And I adore those titles. I must read “The Indian Restaurant of Sorrow” and “Nobody Needs A Clock” once you’ve written them!

  7. April 14, 2009 3:37 pm

    Wow, great set of goals! It’s great to see another aspiring author blogging away. 🙂 What’s your plan of attack in the editing stage?

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