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2008 in review: the year I became a Writer

December 31, 2008

Something changed for me in 2008.  And 2008 was the year I became a writer.

Though I had been writing consistently for about ten years, a set of actions and attitudes created a kind of alchemy and I became what I had spoken of for so long.

In 2007, I joined Romance Writers of Australia and attended my first conference: I think this was a turning point in the road that I have chosen, and thus introduced me to a bunch of like-minded writers, opportunities and writing encouragement.

At the beginning of 2008, I decided to finish a few first drafts that had been languishing on my hard drive, victims of an all-out effort during Nanowrimo and then a fizzle out once the momentum of November had passed.

In quick succession, I completed the first draft of  I’m with the Band, Beyond Happily Ever After, and then finished Hold the Anchovies in our own RWA  50ks in 30 days held in June.

I sent the short story version of Beyond Happily Ever After to Wet Ink magazine and it was accepted for publication in their Spring issue – a very thrilling moment in my life.


I met my awesome critique partner Kiki, and got seriously stuck into editing and rewriting.


I pitched Making the Cut at the RWA conference to Hachette Livre, and followed up with the submission of a partial.

I attended Byron Bay Writers Festival, had a drink with the editor of Wet Ink magazine, and talked to other writers as a WRITER!

And for Nanowrimo in 2008, I wrote another 63k: this time Reality Check, a sequel to Making the Cut.

I entered the RWA Single Title and Loving It contest with Making the Cut, and was stoked to come 9th.

And I met absolutely wonderful online writer friends who are both supportive and whip-cracking in equal measures, and at exactly the right times.  I know their friendship and support has had a direct influence in me transfoming into a writer.

So what was so different in 2008 to previous years?

One word:  SUBMIT

WRITE was not different (though I did discover Write or Die), but I wrote in a lot more quantity than in previous years and FINISH became a focus.

And now for some amazing numbers:

In finishing up the following manuscripts, this is what I wrote in 2008:

Beyond Happily Ever After:  14,980 words

I’m With the Band:                     34,041 words

Hold the Anchovies:                71,425 words

That is a massive total of     120,446 words.

But then for Nanowrimo, I started Reality Check.  As of this morning (New Year’s Eve), I have written 75,496 words of this work in progress.

Which brings my 2008 novelistic word count (not counting short fiction or blogs) to 195,942 words.

And I am determined to make 200k by midnight tonight. Wow!

I’ll be back with an update before midnight on final word count for 2008 and then tomorrow I will declare my writing goals for 2009.


And the final word count for 2008 is 200,078 words!  Woohoo! Bring on 2009.

But first some sleep.

6 Comments leave one →
  1. Monique Wood permalink
    December 31, 2008 1:42 pm

    Good luck cracking 200k tonight, lovey!!

    It has been FABULOUS getting to know you this year. You’ve been so entertaining, funny, informative… I’m looking forward to seeing what’s in store for you next year.

    Have fun tonight 🙂

  2. December 31, 2008 3:19 pm

    You will get there Dianne!!! You’ve had a really productive year well done!! Hope 2009 brings your writing dreams to come true!

  3. January 1, 2009 8:58 am

    You’ve had a fabo year and 2009 will only get better. Happy 2009!

  4. January 1, 2009 12:09 pm

    Diane, you should be so proud of yourself, you achieved so much last year and I know 2009 is going to be an even bigger year for you and your writing.

  5. January 1, 2009 1:18 pm

    Diane, I’m so impressed with what you’ve accomplished. This has been my first year,too, but I haven’t accomplished nearly as much as you. You are prolific!


    • dianecurran permalink*
      January 1, 2009 1:57 pm

      Pamela, I’ve been writing for more than a year, about 10 now. But I’ve been taking it super seriously for the last two years, and 2008 is where it seemed to start coming all together.

      Keep at it!

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